Sunday, March 7, 2010

Reflecting on 640

Well the class is rapidly coming to an end. When I look at the five major objectives for this course I feel that through our discussion board we were able tackle these objectives. The books, movies, and various video clips throughout the course were excellent aides, however for me I was able to get the most out of the dialogue through the discussion boards. So many different personalities with a lot of great work experience added to our discussions.

I stated earlier in the course that I felt sometimes people were guarded in their responses. I don’t think anyone ever really wanted to offend a classmate (which is a good thing) but the one thing that would have added to the experience was a little more debate. How we can make that happen I don’t know. Maybe certain topics need to be shared with the class and the Professor needs to force people to pick a side and argue why ethically you feel this is the right choice. I know this would be forced and possibly someone may have to argue a side they don’t strongly believe but it’s a start. Or who knows maybe you have strong opposing views from a classmate and the exercise serves its purpose and some healthy debate occurs.

I learned a lot, enjoyed the class (with the exception of the long paper) and hope I was able to add something to the class.

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